Joe Kort2021-10-18T21:14:02+00:00October 18th, 2021|Blog, Psychology Today|Comments Off on PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: Mixed-Orientation Couples Include Ace-Allo Couples
SEXUAL ALPHA: Best sex toys for men, women and couples
Best sex toys for men, women and couples Best sex toys for men Trojan Tantrix – this single-use, hand-held masturbation sleeve with textured ridges can enhance every stroke with a natural feel. Men as well as couples will find pleasure in the Tantrix. Use a water-based lube and your pleasure [...]
ENHANCED MALE: Men, last longer in bed
Men, last longer in bed Here is some advice to help men last longer in bed: Masturbate a few hours before you plan to have sex. This will help you because the penis is desensitized. Unlike women, men need a longer refractory period – from a few minutes to a [...]
COSMOPOLITAN: Masturbating without sex toys
Masturbating without sex toys Let’s put aside the toys for awhile and explore your erogenous zones manually. Touching yourself with your hands can bring explosive pleasure you may have been neglecting. Learn about your body, what feels good, what excites you, and what turns you on. Begin by setting the [...]
Does your partner know why you have no sex drive?
Does your partner know why you have no sex drive? Recently, “Men’s Health” Sex Writer Zachary Zane asked Dr. Joe Kort to share his expertise on the impact of antidepressants on sex drive and what to do about it to save a relationship. In the magazine’s “Sexplain it” column, “Broken [...]
MENS HEALTH: Sexplain It: My Antidepressants Killed My Sex Drive. My Partner Is Getting Pissed.
“Sex is absolutely central to nearly all relationships, but far too many couples are unwilling to have the conversation or afraid to approach it directly with their partners,” said Joe Kort, Ph.D., certified sex therapist, and Director of the Center for Relationship and Sexual Health, when I showed him your question. “As a result, you end up with [...]
HOCD is real and can cause sexual disorientation
HOCD is real and can cause sexual disorientation In my practice, I sometimes encounter men who are so obsessively worried they may be gay or bisexual that it takes up such a significant amount of their daily life and thoughts and causes them nearly crippling anxiety. Sometimes they truly are gay [...]