Your marriage CAN last – ask 40 “experts!”

Your marriage CAN last – ask 40 “experts!” I’ve been married to my partner for 30 years, and I admit we have no “secrets to success” you probably haven’t heard before … open and honest communication – especially during the tough times; understanding and accepting what we like and don’t [...]

2023-02-22T01:13:55+00:00February 22nd, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Your marriage CAN last – ask 40 “experts!”

What is sexual integrity and why is it important in a relationship?

Is your sex life struggling? Sexual integrity can repair a relationship Do you feel you and your partner don’t have the same sexual desires? Do you have sexual fantasies you are afraid to share with your partner because they will judge or shame you? Are you acting out unwanted sexual [...]

2022-12-29T01:52:49+00:00December 28th, 2022|Blog|Comments Off on What is sexual integrity and why is it important in a relationship?


The Center for Relationship Health is looking for licensed therapists, (LMSW, LPC, LP, LMFT) to join our growing team in Royal Oak, MI. We offer billing, credentialing, paneling, marketing, family-style community of therapists referring back and fourth to one another and referrals to those who want to work in a beautiful office setting or remotely. Regular [...]

2022-11-12T16:02:42+00:00November 12th, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

“Sexplain” it to me

“Sexplain” it to me Joe Kort, PhD, founder and director of The Center for Relationship and Sexual Health in Royal Oak, Michigan, was asked to talk about straight men having sex with other men and why some women end up with these men when they do not want this type [...]

2022-09-14T09:49:39+00:00September 14th, 2022|Blog|Comments Off on “Sexplain” it to me

Grindr says “yes” to sides!

Grindr says “yes” to sides! Beginning with the publishing of my article on “sides” in the Huffington Post in 2013, I’ve been announcing through any outlet possible that “side” is another option for gay men who are not a “top, “bottom,” or “verse.”(Tops are the partner who penetrates during intercourse; bottoms are [...]

2022-07-24T21:16:34+00:00July 24th, 2022|Blog|Comments Off on Grindr says “yes” to sides!
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