Important Information

Important Information National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality’s (NARTH), an antigay and reparative therapy organization started in 1992 by Joseph Nicolosi renamed their website and organization to distance themselves from the unethical use of therapy attempting to change someone from gay to straight. Their new website is, and [...]

2021-02-02T20:08:06+00:00December 10th, 2016|Blog, Individual Counseling|0 Comments


FROM A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE, SEX ADDICTION IS NOT REAL. Problematic sexual behavior, on the other hand, is very real and consumers need to be protected from sex addiction therapists who are not adequately trained in human sexuality.  Founded in 1967, the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) [...]

2021-02-02T20:08:27+00:00December 8th, 2016|Blog, Individual Counseling|0 Comments

Talking Turkey: America’s election has led to a boomlet for therapists

Talking Turkey: America’s election has led to a boomlet for therapists by E.B. | The Economist Around the country therapists say anxious conversations about politics have become inevitable. “I’ve never had an election like this,” says Joe Kort, a psychotherapist in Michigan. Some of his clients are apparently showing signs [...]

2021-02-02T20:10:01+00:00November 24th, 2016|Blog, Individual Counseling|0 Comments
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