Kate Anthony on Should I Stay, or Should I Go? Saving or Splitting Your Relationship

with Kate Anthony


This week Joe’s guest is Kate Anthony. Kate is the host of the critically acclaimed podcast ‘The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast,’ and the creator of the groundbreaking online coaching program, ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go?’ which helps women make the most difficult decision of their lives using coaching tools, relationship education, geeky neuroscience and deep self-work. She’s widely known as an expert in co-parenting and divorce.

Based in Los Angeles, Kate talks about saving or splitting from your relationship and asking yourself the hardest question of all, ‘should I stay, or should I go?’ “People often make the mistake of thinking one unhappy home is better for their kids than two separate homes,” says Kate. “But it’s better to have your children in a happy environment 50 percent of the time, than be in a toxic home 100 percent of their time. You have to ask yourself, ‘Do I want to put my kids in the middle of my divorce, or at the center of it?’ If you take your ego out of your split and remove your desire to ‘win’, you can break up much more successfully!” In other words, it’s the difference between putting your child in the middle of your power struggle or protecting them.

Find Kate at:
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