Hi, I’m Joe Kort.
… I believe in finding new and constructive means of communication for couples so they can better understand their partners and use their relationships for mutual healing and fulfillment.

Dr. Kort’s Recent Episodes
Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy and Dr. Jennifer Vencill on Navigating Libido
Navigating Libido with Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy and Dr. Jennifer Vencill [...]
Jay Kaplan: The fight for LGBTQ+ rights under the Trump Administration
The fight for LGBTQ+ rights under the Trump Administration with Jay Kaplan [...]
Samantha Wynn Greenstone and Jacob Hoff: Mixed orientation marriages can work
Mixed orientation marriages can work with Samantha Wynn Greenstone and Jacob Hoff [...]
Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy and Dr. Jennifer Vencill on Navigating Libido
Navigating Libido with Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy and Dr. Jennifer Vencill [...]
Jay Kaplan: The fight for LGBTQ+ rights under the Trump Administration
The fight for LGBTQ+ rights under the Trump Administration with Jay Kaplan [...]
Samantha Wynn Greenstone and Jacob Hoff: Mixed orientation marriages can work
Mixed orientation marriages can work with Samantha Wynn Greenstone and Jacob Hoff [...]
Blog Articles by Dr. Joe Kort
Teenage girls can stop the struggle of internalizing emotions
Teenage girls can stop the struggle of internalizing emotions Another deadly school shooting! This time, it [...]

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